We are scientists, engineers, designers, technicians and innovators.
The story of plastic is evolving, and it’s being written by America’s Change Makers, who are leading sustainable change.
We are partners.
America’s Plastic Makers is comprised of the American Chemistry Council’s Plastics Division and its member companies. We create materials that countless companies rely on to make essential and often lifesaving products. Medical grade plastic for surgeries. Personal protective equipment for ourselves and our caregivers. Lightweight plastic components in our electric cars. Energy saving insulation in our homes.
And we are all committed to making sustainable change.
This means finding new ways to make plastic lighter, stronger, more efficient and more recyclable. Driving down greenhouse gas emissions from products and production. Plus keeping plastic in our economy and out of our environment.
We’re also using innovation to build a more sustainable infrastructure for our loved ones today and for future generations.
Stay in the loop and help us create a future for plastic that doesn't include waste.