Policy Positions

Making sustainable change requires making sustainable public policies.

Making sustainable change requires making sustainable public policies. 

To create a circular economy for plastics, policies that encourage today’s linear economy must be replaced with policies that promote circularity. We’re working with policy makers at the local, state, federal and international levels to help keep plastic in our economy and out of our environment.

Join us to help make sustainable change and build a circular economy.

America’s Plastic Makers predominately advocate for public policies that enhance sustainability. Below are some of the issues that we engage in and links to our policy positions.

5 Actions for Sustainable Change: A Plan for Congress to Accelerate a Circular Economy for Plastic

To smooth the road toward a circular economy for plastic, we could use a little help from Congress.

Production Caps on Plastic: Making a Tough Situation Worse

Production caps on plastic is a bad idea that would make a tough situation worse. It’s time to focus on solving the problem of waste in our environment. Period.


Global Agreement on Plastic Pollution: How Should It Work?

America’s Plastic Makers – and plastic makers globally – are championing development of a global agreement for a sustainable, circular economy for plastic. Here’s our vision and ambition.

Advanced Recycling for Plastic: Helping Meet Recycling Goals

Advanced recycling helps us recycle more of the 90% of plastic that is not recycled today. Advanced technologies will help governments and companies meet ambitious plastic recycling goals.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

An extended producer responsibility system in the U.S. could help significantly increase recycling rates of plastic and other materials, keeping these valuable materials in use and out of landfills and our environment.

Restrictions on Plastic Packaging and Products: A Step Backward

Decades of scientific studies have found that plastic packaging and products typically use less material and create less waste and greenhouse gas emissions over their lifecycles than available alternatives. Therefore, replacing plastic packaging and products with alternatives would often be a step backward for the environment. 

Plastic Pellet Containment: Legislation Can Enhance Best Practices

Federal legislation and a global agreement on plastic can build on existing programs to help keep plastic pellets out of our environment.

Microplastics: Research Needed, Underway

Scientists are conducting research to better understand the sources, fate and effects of microplastics in our environment. As scientific understanding improves, regulators should be able to conduct risk assessments of various microplastics and determine if steps are necessary to mitigate risk.

Bio-based Plastic: Principles for Incorporation in Manufacturing

Bio-based plastics have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas impacts and displace fossil resources with renewable resources throughout the supply chain.

Join us and help make sustainable change.